Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

I enjoy a good manicure every once in a while. Sometimes I even try something crazy like neon blue nail polish. Turns out my version of crazy nails is far, far tamer than it could be.

While some people ski or read for a hobby, there are others who do extreme nail art. In fact, there are nail art competitions around the world. As you can imagine, the results are a lot more out there than neon blue nail polish. There’s intricate details, 3-D additions and even a famous figure or two.

If you ever needed a reason not to bite your nails, designs like these just might do the trick. What’s a little nibble when it would ruin a carefully crafted masterpiece? Art has nothing on these little guys…

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

These nail paintings are so much better than any actual paintings I could do.

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

Is that viking hat in there?

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

No set of nails is complete without the trapeze artists in the middle.

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

Every list has to include the Hello Kitty fanatic.

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

The fist pumping guy in the middle really makes this one.

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

And some famous guys!

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

And some guys who may or may not be famous in Japan!

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

I just like the random characters.

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

Okay, maybe these would make you want to bite your nails a little.

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

That coral could probably replace the need for a fork.

New Extreme Nail Art For Your Fashion

It’s funny because those nails probably impede on music playing ability.

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